Time to get back to work ...
Klick on the picture to go to my English blog post :) Time to go back to work from vacation. XoXo #pocketlilfestyle #skip95work...

Helgen som gick i Göteborg
http://digitallivsstil.blogg.se Nytt inlägg på Blogg.se Puss o Kram #jobbpåfickan #digitalmarknadsföring #skip95work #arbetahemifrån...

Svenska bloggen
Här är länken till min svenska blogg: digitallivsstil.blogg.se Gå in och följ :). Här kommer det bli olika inlägg än i den engelska. Så...

What fills you with energy?
Hello! This week I have been filled with energy. What have I then done? I have been at my afternoon choir meeting. Singing is the best...

Easter holiday ends
Easter holiday soon ends Have you had a nice weekend? Have you had time to enjoy family and friends? I really enjoy these weekends that...

My start for my digital lifestyle dream
Are you serious about taking actions to change your lifestyle? Do yo feel that you need a change? Is the time limited for you favorite...